View External demand sample report
Obtains sample report on External demand
The client can request more efficient filtered representation of the resource showing only specific field(s), using the “fields” query parameter. Note that the “fields” parameter has precedence over the “view” parameter.Example GET /VERSION/adex/RESOURCE_NAME?fields=id,name
See "Tips" for the list of filterable parameters.
Example: fields=field1,field2,field3
Sorts the response by specified field(s) with the option to specify sorting order (ascending by default, add prefix "-" for descending).Examples:
GET /VERSION/adex/RESOURCE_NAME?sort=name → sorts per name, ascending
GET /VERSION/adex/RESOURCE_NAME?sort=-id → sorts per id descending
GET /VERSION/adex/RESOURCE_NAME?sort=id,-name → sorts per id ascending, then name descending
See tips for the list of sortable fields.
Example: sort=-field1,field2
The page number indicates which set of items will be returned in the response. The format of request is "page=N,M" where 'N' (required) represents page number and 'M' (optional) is number of items per page.Examples:
N=1, M=20 → returns page 1 with 20 items
N=2, M=20 → returns page 2 with 20 items (items 21-40)
N=3 → returns page 3. The number of objects returned depends on the resource settings.
Example: page=1,10
You can request JSON formatted response. Set the `out` parameter value to json.Example: out=json
The request time.expected format for date is "YYYY-MM-DD", example "2021-12-27"
expected format for date time is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:SS", example "2022-12-23 01:00"
Example: rf:2022-02-10,2022-02-15
Unique external demand identifier generated by Ocamba.Example: 936
Unique partner identifier generated by Ocamba.Example: 56
Two letter country code.Example: US
Unique zone identifier generated by Ocamba.Example: 1009638
200 - OK
DimensionTwo letter country code.
Example: RS
DimensionThe name of country.
Example: Serbia
DimensionUnique external demand identifier generated by Ocamba.
Example: 1258
DimensionThe external demand name.
Example: First test external demand #1
DimensionUnique partner identifier generated by Ocamba.
Example: 16
DimensionThe partner name.
Example: Zeropark
DimensionHydra content, request and response samples.
Example: {\"req\":{\"host\":\"\",\"method\":\"GET\",\"target\":\"/search?user_id=123456789&\",\"hdrs\":{\"Host\":\"\",\"User-Agent\":\"Hydra v1.0\",\"Accept-Encoding\":\"gzip, deflate\"}},\"res\":{\"code\":200,\"hdrs\":{\"Date\":\"Mon, 23 May 2022 08:35:00 GMT\",\"Content-Type\":\"text/json;charset=UTF-8\",\"Transfer-Encoding\":\"chunked\",\"Connection\":\"keep-alive\",\"vary\":\"accept-encoding\",\"Content-Encoding\":\"gzip\"},\"body\":{\"title\":\"Example title\",\"token\":\"_lhJxadKQd7dwvldcnT1_um0mVkEZ6E7EfUr36A=.d9Qk9D1T4s26RrRsyMTOyQ==\",\"link\":\"{token}\",\"imp_url\":\"{token}\",\"image_url\":\"{token}\",\"description\":\"Example description.\",\"price\":0,\"cpc\":0.0068,\"ad_id\":\"fd320164-fe6c-43c3-9109f035a04c\"}}}
DimensionThe request time.
Example: 2021-12-27
DimensionUnique zone identifier generated by Ocamba.
Example: 1029607
DimensionThe zone name.
Example: Push zone
1 Sortable fields are: stat_date, exchange_id, exchange_name, partner_id, partner_name, country_code, country_name, zone_id and zone_name.
2 To get data by the time in your local time zone, you should set tz query parameter to the specific time zone. See the list of valid time zones here ->
3 For easier search, Reports API gives you the possibility of using one of the following labels: today, yesterday, last-7-days, last-30-days, last-24-hours,this-month,last-month.
1 When filtering stat_date use one of the following formats:
- Single format: YYYY-mm-dd;
Displaying stats for this specific day
- Range format: rf:YYYY-mm-dd,YYYY-mm-dd;
Requires usage of the range operators:
- r - range - The value must be in a specified open range, where both endpoints are excluded.
- rf - range full - The value must be in a specified closed range, where both endpoints are included.
- rl - range left - The value must be in a specified half-open range, where only left or start point is included.
- rr - range right - The value must be in a specified half-open range, where only right or end point is included.
Displaying stats in this specific range.
- Hour range format: rl: YYYY-mm-dd hh:00:00,YYYY-mm-dd hh:00:00
If you exclude this parameter, the default setup displays "today" stats.
- Single format: YYYY-mm-dd;
Displaying stats for this specific day
- Range format: rf:YYYY-mm-dd,YYYY-mm-dd;
Requires usage of the range operators:
- r - range - The value must be in a specified open range, where both endpoints are excluded.
- rf - range full - The value must be in a specified closed range, where both endpoints are included.
- rl - range left - The value must be in a specified half-open range, where only left or start point is included.
- rr - range right - The value must be in a specified half-open range, where only right or end point is included.
Displaying stats in this specific range.
- Hour range format: rl: YYYY-mm-dd hh:00:00,YYYY-mm-dd hh:00:00
If you exclude this parameter, the default setup displays "today" stats.