List Zones
Returns a list of Zones
The client can request more efficient filtered representation of the resource showing only specific field(s), using the “fields” query parameter. Note that the “fields” parameter has precedence over the “view” parameter.Example GET /VERSION/adex/RESOURCE_NAME?fields=id,name
See "Tips" for the list of filterable parameters.
Example: fields=field1,field2,field3
Adex API returns full representation of the resource using the “view=full” query parameter. If not specified, the default view will be used.Note that the “fields” parameter has precedence over the “view” parameter.
Example: view=full/default
Sorts the response by specified field(s) with the option to specify sorting order (ascending by default, add prefix "-" for descending).Examples:
GET /VERSION/adex/RESOURCE_NAME?sort=name → sorts per name, ascending
GET /VERSION/adex/RESOURCE_NAME?sort=-id → sorts per id descending
GET /VERSION/adex/RESOURCE_NAME?sort=id,-name → sorts per id ascending, then name descending
See tips for the list of sortable fields.
Example: sort=-field1,field2
The page number indicates which set of items will be returned in the response. The format of request is "page=N,M" where 'N' (required) represents page number and 'M' (optional) is number of items per page.Examples:
N=1, M=20 → returns page 1 with 20 items
N=2, M=20 → returns page 2 with 20 items (items 21-40)
N=3 → returns page 3. The number of objects returned depends on the resource settings.
Example: page=1,10
Set the q parameter value to search for a keyword or search term.Example:
GET /VERSION/adex/RESOURCE_NAME?q=sou → returns a certain resource that contain string 'sou'
See tips for the list of searchable parameters.
Use the q_fields parameter to list all fields you want to include in the search using q parameter. Note that not all fields are searchable on a specific object. If parameter q_fields is not specified, search is performed on a default search field.Examples:
GET /VERSION/adex/RESOURCE_NAME?q=sou&q_fields=lname → API retuns a certain resource whose lname contains string 'sou'.
GET /VERSION/adex/RESOURCE_NAME?q=sou&q_fields=fname,lname,email → API returns a certain resource that contain string 'sou' in any of the specified fields.
See tips for the list of searchable parameters.
Unique identifier for the object defined as a query parameter.Example: id=12345
Name of the object.Example: name=ExampleName
Describe status of the object.Example: status=status1
Describe type of the object.Example: type=type1
Unique account identifier defined as a query parameter.Example: account_id=12345
Unique creator identifier defined as a query parameter.Example: creator_id=12345
Campaign algorithm to choose a campaigns competing method.Example: campaign_search_algo=round-robin
Assigning the wanted pricing model to bid modifier.Example: pricing_model=cpc
Defines which campaigns will have priority - internal or external. Default value: taken from settings.Example: campaign_priority=unfilled
200 - OK
Descriptionitems[ zone ]
An array of all created items.Zone
General information about the account referenced by account_id. Shown only if requested through the field query parameter.Name
Id of the account, same as account_id.Example: 10073337
A link to the account image.Example:
Name of the accound holder.Example: John Smith
Status of the account.Example: active
A unique account identifier generated by the Ocamba platform.Example: 10073337
Algorithm distribution object.Name
Search algorithm id.Example: 1000049
Describes the distribution rate of a Search algorithm. Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 100.Example: 100
Describes the status of a Search algorithm. Possible values are active and inactive.Example: active
Possible values: active | inactive
Minimum value is 0, maximum is 100. Required if bid_floor_priority is 1.Example: 32.5
bid_floor_prioritynumber (integer)
Priority over bid floor in the request.Possible values: 0 | 1
bid_omitnumber (integer)
Value of bid is omitted from the bidResponse if set to 1.Example: 1
Possible values: 0 | 1
Campaign priority.Example: compete
Possible values: local | bacfill | unfilled | compete
Default: compete
Campaign algorithm to choose a campaigns competing method.Example: round-robin
Possible values: round-robin | multi-armed-bandit | internal-sort-by-bid
Default: round-robin
A unique company identifier generated by the Ocamba platform.Example: 7196310
cpv_viewabilitynumber (integer)
cpv_viewability is taken into account only if pricing model is set to cpv (Cost-Per-View).Example: 15
Timezone: GMT.Example: 2021-10-29 12:47:00
General information about the creator referenced by creator_id. Shown only if requested through the field query parameter.Name
Id of the creator, same as creator_id.Example: 1000225
Image of the creator.Example:
Name of the creator.Example: John Smith
Status of the creator.Example: active
A unique creator identifier generated by the Ocamba platform.Example: 1000225
A more detailed description of the Zone.Example: This is my first zone.
distributionnumber (int)
Describes the status of distribution, 0 - distribution is off 1 - distribution is on.Example: 1
Possible values: 0 | 1
external_expl_ratenumber (integer)
The approximate rate of total bidRequests to chosen algorithm. Only external campaigns are affected and rate value is expressed in percentage. Not usable on round-robin. Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 100.Example: 15
Default: 5
Filters object.Zone Filters
Descriptionflash_filternumber (integer)
Passthrough/block click and report as spam if requested caller browser does not support Flash.Possible values: 0 | 1
ip_matchnumber (integer)
Passthrough/block click and report as spam if received IP does not match the requested one.Example: 1
Possible values: 0 | 1
java_script_filternumber (integer)
Passthrough/block click and report as spam if requested caller browser does not support JavaScript.Possible values: 0 | 1
max_click_delaynumber (integer)
Maximum time to allow click on the link to be valid from time link was generated, if delays are matched click is considered spam. Maximum value is 86400000.Example: 86400000
min_click_delaynumber (integer)
Minimum time to allow click to be valid from the time the link was generated if the delay is matched click is considered spam. Maximum value is 100000.Example: 1500
non_empty_referernumber (integer)
Passthrough/block click and report as spam if received HTTP referrer is empty.Possible values: 0 | 1
Filter click policy.Example: block
Possible values: block | passthrough
referrer_matchnumber (integer)
Passthrough/block click and report as spam if received referrer does not match the requested one.Possible values: 0 | 1
user_agent_matchnumber (integer)
Passthrough/block click and report as spam if the received HTTP user agent does not match requested.Possible values: 0 | 1
valid_user_agentnumber (integer)
Passthrough/block click and report as spam if the received HTTP user agent is not in the list of valid ones.Possible values: 0 | 1
A unique identifier generated by the Ocamba platform.Example: 3002792
Zone name.Example: example_zone_name
Assigning the wanted pricing model to bid modifier.Example: cpc
Possible values: none | cpm | cpc | cpv
response_timeoutnumber (integer)
Defines minimum and/or maximum acceptable response time, expressed in milliseconds. Minimum value is 100, maximum 1000.Example: 250
revenue_sharenumber (integer)
Value is expressed as a percentage of income shared with an advertiser. Minimum value is 0, maximum is 100. Changing the default value is limited by the subscription plan.Example: 30
Default: 100
search_algo_expl_ratenumber (integer)
The approximate rate of total bidRequests to chosen algorithm. Only internal campaigns are affected and rate value is expressed in percentage. Not usable on round-robin. Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 100.Example: 10
Default: 5
Seat object.Zone Seat
If type is "account" every item must be unique and a valid account id. If type is "campaign" every item must be unique and a valid campaign id. If type is "campaign-group" every item must be unique and a valid group id. Maximum length is limited by subscription plan.Example: 12343141,23526321,98761234
prioritynumber (integer)
Priority over query in request.Example: 1
Possible values: 0 | 1
Default: 1
Describes type of zone seats.Example: account
Possible values: account | campaign | campaign_group
Statistics about the zone. Shown only if requested through the field query parameter.Name
Number of clicks.Example: 451
Number of conversions.Example: 661
Number of fills.Example: 341
Number of impressions.Example: 111
Number of requests.Example: 229
Number of spam clicks.Example: 113
Zone status.Example: active
Possible values: active | verification | rejected | paused | inactive | archived
Hashes the subid with a custom user defined key. Availability is determined by the subscription plan.Name
Apply subid hashing to all campaigns.Example: 1
Possible values: 0 | 1
Hashing key. The key may only contain letters, numbers, dashes and underscores.Example: my_key
Tag calculated by the Adex application.Example:
Targeting object.Zone Targeting
Browsers objectName
Descriptionitems[ object ]
Array of browser items, maximum length limited by subscription plan.categoriesobject
Categories object.Name
Descriptionitems[ string ]
Array of valid category names supported by Ocamba, maximum length limited by subscription plan. Required if lists is not present.lists[ string ]
Array of list ids created by the Ocamba platform. Lists must be of type category, maximum length limited by subscription plan. Required if items is not present.opstring
Example: in
Possible values: in | nin
Connection type objectName
Descriptionitems[ string ]
Array of valid connection types supported by Ocamba.opstring
Example: nin
Possible values: in | nin
Container objectName
Descriptionitems[ string ]
Array of strings containing containers ids. Maximum length limited by subscription plan.opstring
String describing operation.Example: in
Possible values: in
Countries object.Name
Descriptionitems[ string ]
Array of country codes supported by ocamba (ISO 3166-1, 2 letter country codes), maximum length limited by subscription plan. Required if lists is not present.lists[ string ]
Array of list ids created by the Ocamba platform. Lists must be of type country, maximum length limited by subscription plan. Required if items is not present.opstring
Example: in
Possible values: in | nin
Device manufacturer object.Name
Descriptionitems[ string ]
Array of device manufacturer ids, maximum length limited by subscription plan.opstring
Example: in
Possible values: in | nin
device_trackingnumber (integer)
Describes the status of device tracking.Example: 1
Possible values: 0 | 1
Device type object.Name
Descriptionitems[ string ]
Array of device types, maximum length limited by subscription plan.opstring
Example: in
Possible values: in | nin
has_user_datanumber (integer)
Describes the availability of user dataExample: 1
Possible values: 0 | 1
Ip object.Name
Descriptionitems[ string ]
Array of ips, each element must be a valid ipv4, ipv6 or cidr format for both v4 and v6, maximum length limited by subscription plan. Required if lists is not present.Example: 123.523.123.4,123.523.123.4/12,2001:0db8:85a3:33a1:ff12:8a2e:0370:7334/23,2301:01b8:f5a3:43a1:afc2:8c2e:0370:7334
lists[ string ]
Array of list ids created by the Ocamba platform. Lists must be of type ip, maximum length limited by subscription plan. Required if items is not present.opstring
Example: in
Possible values: in | nin
Languages objectName
Descriptionitems[ string ]
Array of unique strings. Each element must be a valid 2-letter language code supported by Ocamba platform, maximum number of items limited by subscription plan.opstring
Example: nin
Possible values: in | nin
Os objectName
Descriptionitems[ object ]
Array of os items, maximum length limited by subscription plan.pagesobject
Page object.Name
Descriptionitems[ string ]
Array of domains, maximum length limited by subscription plan. Required if lists is not present.lists[ string ]
Array of list ids created by the Ocamba platform. Lists must be of type domain, maximum length limited by subscription plan. Required if items is not present.opstring
Example: in
Possible values: in | nin
Regions object.Name
Descriptionitems[ string ]
Array of region ids generated by the Ocamba platform, maximum length limited by subscription plan. Required if lists is not present.lists[ string ]
Array of list ids created by the Ocamba platform. Lists must be of type region, maximum length limited by subscription plan. Required if items is not present.opstring
Example: in
Possible values: in | nin
Subid object.Name
Descriptionitems[ string ]
Array of subids, maximum length limited by subscription plan. Required if lists is not present.lists[ string ]
Array of list ids created by the Ocamba platform. Lists must be of type subid, maximum length limited by subscription plan. Required if items is not present.opstring
Example: in
Possible values: in | nin
Tag object.Name
Descriptionitems[ string ]
Array of tag ids, maximum length limited by subscription plan. This field is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please use container as a replacement.opstring
Example: in
Possible values: in | nin
Time object.Name
Descriptionitems[ string ]
Array of valid cron expressions, maximum length limited by subscription plan.opstring
Example: in
Possible values: in
A unique identifier generated by the Adex application.Example: AIvRnQAt0/M
Zone type.Example: rtb
Possible values: rtb | display | native | vast | widget | push | mobile-sdk | smartlink
Timezone: GMT.Example: 2021-10-30 14:27:26
user_cachenumber (integer)
Turn on/off user cache. Only available on push zones.Example: 1
Possible values: 0 | 1
widgets[ string ]
Array of widget ids, created on the Ocamba platform, max 10 items. Available only for zones of type Widget.totalinteger
A total number of items.Example: 92
1 Searchable fields are name and description.
2 Sortable fields are name, status, pricing_model, create_time, update_time.
3 Filterable fields are id, name, status, type, pricing_model, campaign_priority, campaign_search_algo, response_timeout, distribute, create_time and update_time.
1 Widgets are only available for zones of type widget.
2 User_cache is only available for zones of type push.
3 The response example is representing a full view.