Batch Request
Batch request is a set of requests that are executed in a non-transactional manner.RequestEach call within the batch request is referred to as a subrequest(request part). The object that contains all of the subrequests is referred to as the main request. Once all subrequests are complete, a consolidated response is passed back to the sender. By default all subrequests are processed in parallel since they are considered as independent. This can be changed using mode
parameter in the main request. Set it to serial
to process all subrequests sequentially.ResponseEach subrequest has corresponding subresponse (response part) and subresponses appear in the same order as the corresponding subrequests. When the response to a batch request contains a response code of 200, it means the main request itself was well-formed. However, each individual subrequest may have succeeded or failed. Response needs to be processed on the client side to determine which subrequests were successful and which failed.LimitationsBatch requests are limited to a 50 subrequests. Each call within the batch is counted and logged separately for the purposes of calculating API rate limits and preventing abusement. Also, be aware that main requests are subject of server limitations such as maximum size of a request body. Thus, it is possible for a batch request to be too large to process, even if the number of subrequests is at or below the allowed maximum. Limitations are also applied on subrequests, like url size, header size and request body size.Abort on failUsed only for serial Batch Request. If ’true’ all remaining requests will be skipped after first fail.ErrorsIts possible that one of subrequestes may throw an error. This could be because, for example, you don’t have permission to perform the subrequest or validation rules are broken. Each subresponse that results in error will contain an error message described by the standard Ocamba Error Schema.TimeoutTODO
Example: parallel
Possible values: parallel | serial
Example: DELETE
Example: /v2/ocamba/roles/viewer
Example: 200
Example: 10
Example: 10
Example: 400
Example: The request body is not valid.
Example: Bad request.
Example: 99a84211-f73d-4ff8-acdf-eb3e06bb9d62
Example: 500
Example: Internal server error.
Example: Internal server error.