List Automations
Returns a list of Automations
Ocamba API returns full representation of the resource using the “view=full” query parameter. If not specified, the default view will be used.Note that the “fields” parameter has precedence over the “view” parameter.
Example: view=full/default
The page number indicates which set of items will be returned in the response. The format of request is "page=N,M" where 'N' (required) represents page number and 'M' (optional) is number of items per page.Examples:
N=1, M=20 → returns page 1 with 20 items
N=2, M=20 → returns page 2 with 20 items (items 21-40)
N=3 → returns page 3. The number of objects returned depends on the resource settings.
Example: page=1,10
Sorts the response by specified field(s) with the option to specify sorting order (ascending by default, add prefix "-" for descending).Examples:
GET /v2/ocamba/RESOURCE_NAME?sort=name → sorts per name, ascending
GET /v2/ocamba/RESOURCE_NAME?sort=-id → sorts per id descending
GET /v2/ocamba/RESOURCE_NAME?sort=id,-name → sorts per id ascending, then name descending
See tips for the list of sortable fields.
Example: sort=-field1,filed2
Use the q_fields parameter to list all fields you want to include in the search using q parameter. Note that not all fields are searchable on a specific object. If parameter q_fields is not specified, search is performed on a default search field.Examples:
GET /v2/ocamba/members?q=sou&q_fields=lname → API retuns members whose lname contains string 'sou'.
GET /v2/ocamba/members?q=sou&q_fields=fname,lname,email → API returns members that contain string 'sou' in any of the specified fields.
See tips for the list of searchable parameters.
Set the q parameter value to search for a keyword or search term.Example:
GET /v2/ocamba/members?q=sou → returns members that contain string 'sou'
See tips for the list of searchable parameters.
200 - OK
1 Filterable fields are: id, name, status, create_time and update_time.