List Reports
Returns a list of Reports
The client can request more efficient filtered representation of the resource showing only specific field(s), using the “fields” query parameter. Note that the “fields” parameter has precedence over the “view” parameter.Example GET /v2/ocamba/RESOURCE_NAME?fields=id,name
See "Tips" for the list of filterable parameters.
Example: fields=field1,field2,field3
Ocamba API returns full representation of the resource using the “view=full” query parameter. If not specified, the default view will be used.Note that the “fields” parameter has precedence over the “view” parameter.
Example: view=full/default
The page number indicates which set of items will be returned in the response. The format of request is "page=N,M" where 'N' (required) represents page number and 'M' (optional) is number of items per page.Examples:
N=1, M=20 → returns page 1 with 20 items
N=2, M=20 → returns page 2 with 20 items (items 21-40)
N=3 → returns page 3. The number of objects returned depends on the resource settings.
Example: page=1,10
Sorts the response by specified field(s) with the option to specify sorting order (ascending by default, add prefix "-" for descending).Examples:
GET /v2/ocamba/RESOURCE_NAME?sort=name → sorts per name, ascending
GET /v2/ocamba/RESOURCE_NAME?sort=-id → sorts per id descending
GET /v2/ocamba/RESOURCE_NAME?sort=id,-name → sorts per id ascending, then name descending
See tips for the list of sortable fields.
Example: sort=-field1,filed2
Use the q_fields parameter to list all fields you want to include in the search using q parameter. Note that not all fields are searchable on a specific object. If parameter q_fields is not specified, search is performed on a default search field.Examples:
GET /v2/ocamba/members?q=sou&q_fields=lname → API retuns members whose lname contains string 'sou'.
GET /v2/ocamba/members?q=sou&q_fields=fname,lname,email → API returns members that contain string 'sou' in any of the specified fields.
See tips for the list of searchable parameters.
Set the q parameter value to search for a keyword or search term.Example:
GET /v2/ocamba/members?q=sou → returns members that contain string 'sou'
See tips for the list of searchable parameters.
200 - OK
Descriptionitems[ report ]
An array of all created items.Report
The ID of the application, assigned by Ocamba API.company_idstring
The ID of the company, assigned by Ocamba API.Example: 12345678
Timezone: GMT.Example: 2021-07-30 12:50:13
The ID of the creator, assigned by Ocamba API.descriptionstring
The detailed report description. Minimum length 5. Maximum length 1000.Example: Displays top 10 exchanges with highest income
Report configuration.Example: { "fields": "exchange_name,income", "source": "", "limit": "10", "order": { "field" : "income", "op" : "-" } }
idstring (uuid)
The ID of the report, generated by Ocamba API.Example: 132
The widget name. Minimum length 1. Maximum length 100.Example: Top 10
Ref field is related only with system reports.systeminteger
Indicates whether the report is system or user defined. Note that system reports can't be deleted or modified.Possible values: 1 | 0
Timezone: GMT.Example: 2021-07-30 12:50:13
A total number of items.Example: 140