List Deals
Returns a list of Deals
Fields parameter represents array of dimensions and measures. Dimensions are used to categorize, segment, and reveal the details of the data. Measures contain numeric, quantitative values that can be measured. At least one measure is required.Example: fields=field1,field2,field3
The page number indicates which set of items will be returned in the response. The format of request is "page=N,M" where 'N' (required) represents page number and 'M' (optional) is number of items per page.Examples:
N=1, M=20 → returns page 1 with 20 items
N=2, M=20 → returns page 2 with 20 items (items 21-40)
N=3 → returns page 3. The number of objects returned depends on the resource settings.
Example: page=1,10
Sorts the response by specified field(s) with the option to specify sorting order (ascending by default, add prefix "-" for descending).Examples:
GET /VERSION/hood/RESOURCE_NAME?sort=name → sorts per name, ascending
GET /VERSION/hood/RESOURCE_NAME?sort=-id → sorts per id descending
GET /VERSION/hood/RESOURCE_NAME?sort=id,-name → sorts per id ascending, then name descending
See tips for the list of sortable fields.
Example: sort=-field1,field2
Set the q parameter value to search for a keyword or search term.Example:
GET /VERSION/hood/RESOURCE_NAME?q=sou → returns a certain resource that contain string 'sou'
See tips for the list of searchable parameters.
Use the q_fields parameter to list all fields you want to include in the search using q parameter. Note that not all fields are searchable on a specific object. If parameter q_fields is not specified, search is performed on a default search field.Examples:
GET /VERSION/hood/RESOURCE_NAME?q=sou&q_fields=lname → API retuns a certain resource whose lname contains string 'sou'.
GET /VERSION/hood/RESOURCE_NAME?q=sou&q_fields=fname,lname,email → API returns a certain resource that contain string 'sou' in any of the specified fields.
See tips for the list of searchable parameters.
Describe status of the object.Example: status=status1
Hood API returns full representation of the resource using the "view=full" query parameter. If not specified, the default view will be used.Note that the "fields" parameter has precedence over the "view" parameter.
Example: view=full/default
200 - OK
Descriptionitems[ deal ]
An array of all created items.Deals
Descriptionarchivednumber (integer)
Describes if a deal is archived. If a deal is archived its information can not be updated.Example: 1
base_pricenumber (decimal)
Describes the base price that is set for the deal. Priority depends on field base_price_priority. Value must be between 0.01 and 10000.Example: 2.24
Describes if prices set in base_price or country_price have priority over the one sent as a query parameter.Example: true
Possible values: true | false
budgetnumber (integer)
Value representing maximum total value a deal should earn. Minimum value 0, maximum 1000000.Example: 2321
Describes if a click event is required for a deal to be attributed.Example: true
Possible values: true | false
Company IDExample: 6197120
Key-value pairs {key : value} representing price by country. If user country is defined, price for that country is added to the base price.Name
Country code supported by the Ocamba platform (ISO 3166-1, 2 letter country codes).Example: DE
valuenumber (decimal)
Value of price per country, minimum 0.1, maximum 10000.Example: 12.53
Timezone: GMT.Example: 2021-10-29 15:40:10
Deal DescriptionExample: The description of a Deal has the max of 2000 characters
Key-value pairs {key : value} representing price by device. If device is defined, price for that device is added to the base price.Name
Device type, possible values are mobile and desktop.Example: desktop
valuenumber (decimal)
Value of price per device, minimum 0, maximum 100.Example: 12.53
Describes the status of the deal. Can be impacted by changes to partner.Example: suspended
Key-value pairs {key : value} representing price by event. If event is defined, price for that event is added to the base price.Name
Event name, maximum length 32 characters.Example: click
valuenumber (decimal)
Value of price per event, minimum 0.1, maximum 10000.Example: 12.53
A feature that limits the number of times that your ads will appear to the same user for a given time frame.Name
Descriptionmax_valuenumber (int)
Describes the maximum number of time units that frequency cap will account for. Minimum 0, maximum 1.Example: 12
Describes the time unit used for frequency capping.Example: day
Possible values: hour | day | week | month | session | campaign
Deals Unique IdentifierExample: 13472
Deal name, maximum 100 charactersExample: Example Name
Valid partner id, supported by the Ocamba platform.Example: 1000232
Key-value pairs {key : value} representing score by event. If event is defined, score for that event is added to the user and campaign score when converison is attributed.Name
Event name, maximum length 32 characters.Example: click
valuenumber (integer)
Value of score per event, minimum 1, maximum 100.Example: 12
Deal url for clients to assign conversions to users.Example:{OCMH_CLICK_ID}&price={PRICE}¤cy={CURRENCY}
Statistics about the deal. Shown only if requested through the field query parameter.Name
Descriptioncostnumber (decimal)
Total cost for the deal.Example: 11.1
revenuenumber (decimal)
Total revenue for the deal.Example: 34.1
roinumber (decimal)
Return on investment, shown in percentage.Example: 229.2
Deal Status can be active or inactive. Default value is 'active'.Example: active
Possible values: active | inactive
Deal payment structure. Describes the basis on which the price is calculated.Example: cpi
Possible values: cpc | cpm | cpi | cpl | cpe | cps | cpv | performance-based | subscription-based | flat-fee | hybrid
systemnumber (int)
Indicates if the deal is a system deal. A system deal is automatically added when installing the Hood application.Example: 1
time_windownumber (integer)
Describes how much time in seconds can pass between a click event and attribution, every attribution after that time window will be marked as spam. Value of 0 means there is no limit. Minimum value 0, maximum value 2592000.Example: 3600
Possible values: 3600 | 21600 | 43200 | 86400 | 604800 | 1209600 | 2592000 | 5184000 | 7776000
Deal type, can be ssp or dsp.Example: ssp
Possible values: ssp | dsp
Toggles check if deal is unique. Uniqueness is determined by reference provided by user when attributing deal. Default value false.Example: true
Timezone: GMT.Example: 2021-10-29 15:40:10
A total number of items.Example: 31
500 - Internal Server Error
Http response status code.Example: 500
The human readable message that describes how to deal with error.Example: Internal server error.
The error title.Example: Internal server error.
1 Filterable fields are name, system, status, clickthrough, time_window, base_price_priority and archived.