A list showing which applications are available within the Ocamba platform and which can be activated.
Media Library
Media Library represents an inventory of all your image files.
The Media Library is a card that contains all the images that the user can upload and later use when creating Message Templates, Creative on campaigns and prompts. The images in the Media Library can be filtered by:
- Size in KB
- Custom Width in Pixels
- Custom Height in Pixels
- Type
- Upload date
You can see when the image was uploaded to the Media Library by clicking on the arrow on the image. Also, hovering over the image displays 2 buttons: View - enables an enlarged view of the image. Bin icon - allows deleting and removing an image from the Media Library.

If you need to insert an image into the Media Library, click the Browse button and select the image you want to upload from your local storage. At the bottom of the screen is the Display option, which enables the display of 10, 20, 50 or 100 images per page.
Accounts tab is used to allocate funds for your Partners.
Account must be Active if you want the Zone to be Active as well. On this card, there is a possibility to add more contacts and define the budget (finance) for a certain period (period - by hour, week, month) and a specific type (income, expenses).
To search by Accounts, click on the magnifier icon. For filtering Accounts, it is necessary to click on the filter icon, and it is possible to filter only by their status, which can be:
- Active
- Verification
- Rejected
- Paused
- Inactive
- Archived
- Hourly limit
- Daily limit
- Monthly limit
- Lifetime limit

Add an Account
Please follow this step-by-step guide to add an Account:
Step 1. Select the Accounts tab
Step 2. Add a new Account
Step 3. Fill in the information required:
- account name
- phone

Step 4. Confirm the changes.
Edit Account
Please follow this step-by-step guide to edit an Account:
Step 1. Select the Accounts tab
Step 2. Choose the Account you want to edit
Step 3.
Edit the following:
- profile photo
- name
- account status
- postbacks
- postback URL for user subscription
- contacts
- finance

Add or Edit your Account’s contact information:
- phone
- mobile
- sip
- Skype
- Website

Finance and Frequency
Please follow this step-by-step guide to set up Finance and Frequency for your Account:
Step 1. Add Finance and Frequency

Step 2. Determine the budget time window:
- hour
- day
- month
Step 3. Define the budget type for Finance
- income
- outcome
Define the budget type for Frequency
- impressions
- clicks
- conversions

Step 4. Confirm the changes.
Postback URL for user subscription can be set within the Account. When traffic is connected to an account, the postbacks URL will be triggered in the percentage specified on the traffic.
How to set up Postbacks:
select to edit the Account
append the query string to each tracking URL sent for the account
How to send Postaback URLS for user subscriptions:
select to edit the Account
append a query string to it