Ocamba SDK

Status of Ocamba features (push and analytics) can be override from web platform.
  1. Open project level build.gradle allprojects or settings.gradle dependencyResolutionManagement and add following:

        repositories {
            maven {
                url "https://maven.delsystems.net/public"

  1. Open app level build.gradle and add dependecies debug (with logs) and release:

        debugImplementation 'com.ocamba:hoood—debug:3.0.0'


        releaseImplementation 'com.ocamba:hoood:3.0.0'

  1. Create Application class and choose one of two ways to initilaize Ocamba:
  • Add Ocampa Api Key to manifest:

Open App module AndroidManifest.xml and add a new line in application tag:

<meta-data android:name="com.ocamba.ApiKey" android:value="API_KEY" />

  • Open application class and in onCreate method add following:


  • Or add Ocamba Api Key directly in init method:


  1. If you want to receive callback on initialization (use it if you work with push feature):

        OcambaHoood.push().setPushResponse(new OcambaResponseCallback() {
            public void onFailure(Exception e) { }
            public void onResponse(int code, String response) { }
NOTE: replace API_KEY with your app api key.
NOTE: our recommendation is add OcambaHoood.getBuilder().init() method inside onCreate() method of Application class.
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