Custom Email Setup Instructions

Follow the steps below to complete your custom email configuration.

Accessing Email Settings

  1. Navigate to Hood Settings: Go to Hood > Hood Settings > Email.
  2. Email Integrations Collection: Click on the “Email” tab to see the “Email Integrations Collection.”
  3. New Email Configuration: Click the “New Configuration” button in the top right corner to start setting up your email.

Email Configuration Screen

  1. Provider Selection:

    • Under the Select Provider subtitle, you will find four boxes with provider names:
      • Ocamba (requires DNS setup)
      • Mailchimp (requires API keys)
      • Mailgun (requires API keys)
      • SendGrid (requires API keys)
    • Select one of the providers and click Next in the bottom right corner to proceed.

Custom Email Setup (Incoming and Outgoing Configuration)

  1. Incoming Email Configuration:
    • IMAP/POP3 Settings:
      • Server: Enter the incoming mail server (e.g., or
      • Port: Enter the port number for the incoming mail server (e.g., 993 for IMAP, 995 for POP3).
      • Encryption: Select the encryption method (e.g., SSL/TLS).
      • Username: Enter your email address.
      • Password: Enter your email password.

  1. Outgoing Email Configuration:
    • SMTP Settings:
      • Server: Enter the outgoing mail server (e.g.,
      • Port: Enter the port number for the outgoing mail server (e.g., 465 for SSL, 587 for TLS).
      • Encryption: Select the encryption method (e.g., SSL/TLS).
      • Username: Enter your email address.
      • Password: Enter your email password.
    • Click Next to proceed to the validation.

Domain Authentication (for Ocamba)

  1. DNS Configuration Instructions:
    • Header: “DNS Settings to be Configured”
    • Text Description: Provide detailed instructions on what DNS records need to be added to the user’s domain registrar.
    • Example Entries:
      • TXT Record: “v=spf1 include
      • .com ~all” - Explains setting SPF records to prevent email spoofing.
      • CNAME Record: “” - For verifying domain ownership.
      • DKIM Record: “” - For signing emails to validate their integrity and origin.
    • Click Next to validate the DNS settings.

  1. Verification Process:
    • Header: “Verify Your Domain”
    • Text Description: Prompt the user to verify the domain after entering the DNS settings.
    • Action Buttons:
      • Verify Domain Button: Initiates a check to confirm if the DNS records are correctly set up.
      • Recheck Interval Notice: Inform the user that DNS changes might take some time to propagate and they may need to check back later if the first verification fails.

Summary Screen

  1. Review Settings:
    • Incoming and Outgoing Configurations: Display the entered settings for both incoming and outgoing email configurations.
    • DNS Settings: Summarize the DNS records that were added for domain authentication.
  2. Options:
    • New Email Configuration: Start a new email configuration.
    • Back to List: Return to the list of all email configurations.
    • Submit: Finalize the process by clicking “Submit.”
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