Email DNS Setup Instructions

Follow the steps below to complete your email configuration.

Accessing Email Settings

  1. Navigate to Hood Settings: Go to Hood > Hood Settings > Email.

  2. Email Integrations Collection: Upon clicking the “Email” tab, you will see the “Email Integrations Collection.”

  3. New Configuration: Click the “New Configuration” button in the top right corner to start setting up your email.

Email Configuration Screen

  1. Provider Selection:

Below the introduction section, you will see a divided page.

  1. Select Provider: Under the “Select Provider” subtitle, you will find Ocamba as the provider for the DNS setup.

  2. Select Ocamba and click “Next” in the bottom right corner to proceed.

Provider Configuration

  1. Ocamba Email Setup:

    Input Required Data:

    1. Default Sender Email: Enter the email address that will appear as the sender.
    2. Default Sender Name: Enter the name that will appear as the sender.
    3. Sending Domain: Enter your sending domain (e.g.,

    Click “Next” to proceed to the domain authentication.

  1. Ocamba Domain Authentication:

    Input DNS Records:

    1. TXT Records: Enter the provided TXT records to authenticate your domain.
    2. CNAME Record: Enter the provided CNAME record.
    3. DKIM Record: Enter the provided DKIM record.

    Click “Submit” to validate the settings.

Summary Screen

Ocamba Email Summary:

Review Settings: Ensure all configurations are correct.


  1. New Email Configuration: Start a new email configuration.
  2. Back to List: Return to the list of all email configurations.
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