Message templates

Message templates in the Ocamba platform allow you to create custom messages choose from pre-made templates to send to users.

Here’s where you can access Message templates.


Message Template Option Example

Creating a Message Template

Here’s how you create a new message template.

Click on the Add button in the upper right corner.


Message Templates Add New Option Location

Message name: Give a name to your message. Make sure you remember it because it will be used for search and tracking purposes.

Then, define the elements of your push notification:

Title: The push notification headline that will be shown to the user.

Body: The push notification text body that will be shown to the user.

  • Image: The main visual attribute presented to the user (HTTPS:// is allowed).

  • Icon URL: A secondary visual attribute presented to the user (HTTPS:// is allowed).

  • Landing URL: Landing page address where the user will land after clicking (HTTPS:// is allowed).

  • Action buttons: You can set up to 3 action buttons for mobile.

  • Notification options: A set of rules that will be applied upon receiving the notification (read more below).


Add New Message Template Options View

To upload an Image or Icon URL, click on the Media library icon next to the input field, and choose an image.

Note: Every message is created in English by default. If you want to insert additional languages, click on the card next to the English flag. Ocamba supports creatives in over 30 languages.

Action Buttons

Use action buttons to make recipients to take specific actions:

  • Action button: Content of the button shown to the user.

  • Action button icon: URL address of the icon shown to the user (HTTPS:// is allowed).

  • Action button URL: URL where the user will land after clicking the action button (HTTPS:// is allowed).

NOTE: The maximum number of action buttons is 3 for mobile.


Action Buttons Add Options

Notification Options

At the bottom of the new message template creation panel, there are Notification Options.

Notification options present a set of rules regarding the way in which the notification will be served.


Notification Options Example

Notification options include:

Type tag: Enable the removal of notifications with the same tag which were delivered earlier.

Vibration pattern: A parameter related to vibrations after receiving a push notification. Expressed in milliseconds as vibration-pause-vibration. It is applicable only to android devices.

Renotify: Replacing old notification with the new one using the silent method. Applicable only with tag option.

Require interaction: If enabled, users must click on one of the CTA buttons. Available for desktop Windows users only.

Silent: Send a notification to mobile users without waking the screen, making sound or vibration.

Badge: A monochromatic mini-icon (HTTPS:// is allowed) showing to the user the source where they subscribed to receive notifications.

Notification Preview

While creating a message template, you can preview the make of the notification by clicking the Preview button in the upper right corner.

You can choose to preview it for iOS, Android, Windows, and MacOS. Previewing existing message templates is also possible.

Note The message template preview will appear either on the right side or at the bottom of the creation panel. Note that the message will look different depending on the operating system: Windows and Android will display images during delivery, while macOS will show the set icon.
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