Hood Reports

The Reports section offers insights into your visitor and subscriber behavior, and push notifications campaigns performance.

It presents data in a tabular format, and it allows you to tailor the statistics to your business needs and preferences.

The Reports section consists of 2 main tabs: Designer and Saved Reports.


Creating Custom Reports

The Designer tab allows you to tailor statistics to your specific requirements, choose the statistics time frame, and export reports in .csv format.


Hood Reports Tab Location

To create a tabular display:

Select Dimensions and Measures: Drag and drop the desired data into the Drop here field.

Customize Columns: Reorder columns to your preferences within the Drop field.

Filter and Sort: Filter and sort selected data using Dimensions and Measures in the Filters and Order By fields located on the right sidebar of the Designer dashboard.

Here’s an example of a designer tabular report.


Hood Reports Tabular Report Example

Preview and Export: Click Preview and select Flat Table to open the table with the selected data. Export the report using the Download button in the top right corner.

Here’s an example of what a designer report looks like when downloaded in .csv format:


Simple Hood Report CSV Format Example

The following tables provide detailed explanations about all available dimensions and measures that can be used to design Hood reports.

Hood Basic Dimensions List

Account idAccount identifier generated on Ocamba platform.
Account nameAccount name created on Ocamba platform.
ASNThe Autonomous System Number.
Browser idThe identifier of the browser.
Browser nameThe name of the browser.
Browser versionThe major version of the browser.
City idThe GeoName identifier of the city.
City nameThe name of the city. When you drag this dimension in the filter field you can see the information about the city, region and country code.
Connection type idThe id of connection.
Connection typeThe type of connection.
Country codeThe code of the geographical country.
Country nameThe name of the geographical country.
Data center prefixThe prefix of Data Center.
Device idThe identifier of the device.
Device nameThe name of the device.
ISPInternet Service Provider.
OS idThe identifier of the operating system.
OS nameThe name of the operating system.
OS versionThe major version of the operating system.
Page domainThe domain of the page URL. Example: test.com
Page ref domainThe domain of the page referrer URL. Example: demo.com
Page ref URLThe page referer full URL. Example: demo.com/politics
Page URLThe full page URL. Example: test.com/sport
Region nameThe name of the region. When you drag this dimension in the filter field you can see the information about the region and country code.
Region idThe region id generated on Ocamba platform.
SDK versionThe version of SDK.
Server Traffic idThe Server Traffic id generated on Ocamba platform.
Server Traffic nameThe name of the traffic which can be None, Data Center, VPN, Bot, Web Scraper, Fake Crawler and Web Proxy.
Event dateThe day of the event.
Tag idUnique tag identifier generated on Ocamba platform. You can filter Tag ID from the drop-down menu, with the in/not in option, to determine whether or not the specific tag id will be included in your search.
Tag nameTag name created on Ocamba platform.
TimezoneTimezone of the user.
Traffic source type nameThe traffic sources that are driving visitors to your website.
User languageThe language of the user.
UTM campaignUrchin Tracking Module campaign, used to identify a strategic campaign.
UTM contentUrchin Tracking Module content, used to differentiate ads or links that point to the same URL.
UTM mediumUrchin Tracking Module medium, used to identify a medium.
UTM sourceUrchin Tracking Module source, used to identify a search engine, social media, newsletter name or another source.
UTM termUrchin Tracking Module term, used to note the keywords for the ad.

Hood Basic Measures List

Bounce rateBounce rate is the percentage of visitors that leave a webpage without taking action, such as clicking on a link, filling out a form, or making a purchase. This measure indicates the percentage of site visits that are single-page sessions.
ErrorsAn error describes an issue that arises unexpectedly. This measure indicates the total number of errors.
New usersAre those who identify themselves for the first time on the web page. This measure indicates the total number of new users.
Page depthThe number of pages visited by users during a session. This measure indicates the ratio of page views per session.
PageviewsThis measure indicates the total number of page views.
Push allowed CTThe rate of push allowed to push prompt.
Push allowed thu PCThe rate of clicks to woken ups with percentage.
Push clicksThe total number of push clicks.
Push CTRThe rate of clicks to wokenups.
Push prompIt’s the first message that appears to all visitors on your website where they can allow or deny receiving further web push messages from you. So this is a pop-up message that gives the subscription option. This measure indicates the total number of windows display a dialog box to prompt the user for inputs.
Push subscriptionThe total number of push subscriptions.
Push unsubscriptionsThe total number of push unsubscriptions.
Push user growthGrowth scale of the user base that represents a ratio between push subscribed and unsubscribed users. A ratio can be negative since there is a possibility that there are more unsubscribed users than subscribed in a particular time range.
Push wokenupsThe total number of received push notifications.
Sessions per userSessions per User counts the average number of sessions indicated by each user or visitor to your website/application. This measure shows the ratio of sessions per user.
SessionsA session is a period of time when a user interacts with an app. This measure indicates the total number of sessions.
UsersUsers are every visitor that comes to your web application. This measure indicates the total number of users.
Views per userThis measure indicates the ratio of page views per user.

Hood Push Stats Dimensions List

App nameHood application name created on Ocamba platform.
App typeThe type of apps which can be web, android and iOS.
ASNThe Autonomous System Number.
Browser idThe identifier of the browser.
Browser nameThe name of the browser.
City idThe GeoName identifier of the city.
City nameThe name of the city.
Country codeThe code of the geographical country.
Country nameThe name of the geographical country.
Lang codeThe code of the user language.
Lang nameThe name of the user language.
OS idThe identifier of the operating system.
OS nameThe name of the operating system.
Region nameThe name of the region.
Region idThe GeoName ID of the region.
Tag idTag id created on Ocamba platform. You can filter Tag ID from the drop-down menu, with the in/not in option, to determine whether or not the specific tag id will be included in your search.
Tag nameTag name created on Ocamba platform.
UTM campaignUrchin Tracking Module campaign, used to identify a strategic campaign.
UTM contentUrchin Tracking Module content, used to differentiate ads or links that point to the same URL.
UTM mediumUrchin Tracking Module medium, used to identify a medium.
UTM sourceThe utm_source of user subscription.
UTM termUrchin Tracking Module term, used to note the keywords for the ad.

Hood Push Stats Measures List

ActiveTotal number of active users.
Push subscriptionsTotal number of subscriptions.
Push unsubscriptionTotal number of unsubscriptions.

Hood Push Delivery Dimensions List

Automation IDThe identifier of the automation.
Automation NameThe name of the automation.
Browser idThe identifier of the browser.
Browser nameThe name of the browser.
City idThe GeoName identifier of the city.
City nameThe name of the city.
Country codeThe code of the geographical country.
Country nameThe name of the geographical country.
Delivery dateThe task execution date.
OS idThe identifier of the operating system.
OS nameThe name of the operating system.
Region nameThe name of the region.
Region idThe GeoName ID of the region.
Tag idUnique tag identifier generated on Ocamba platform. You can filter Tag ID from the drop-down menu, with the in/not in option, to determine whether or not the specific tag id will be included in your search.
Tag nameTag name created on Ocamba platform.
Task idUnique task identifier generated on Ocamba platform.
Task nameThe task name.
User ageThe range user age.
User age by hourThe range user age by hour.
Zone idThe identifier of the zone
Zone nameThe name of the zone.

Hood Push Delivery Measures List

ClickThe total number of valid clicks.
ConversionThe total number of conversions.
Push CTDThe rate of clicks to delivered.
Delivered AdThe total number of delivered ads.
Delivery RateThe rate of wokenup to total users.
FailedThe total number of users failed to receive ads.
ImpressionThe total number of impressions.
IncomeThe total income.
Push CTRThe rate of clicks to wokenups.
Push UnsubscriptionsThe total number of push unsubscriptions.
Spam clickThe total number of spam clicks.
Total clickThe total number of clicks, including spam clicks.
Total userThe total number of users.
WokenupThe total number of wokenup users.

Hood Provider Error Dimensions List

App nameHood application name created on Ocamba platform.
Browser idThe identifier of the browser.
Browser nameThe name of the browser.
Country codeThe code of the geographical country.
Country nameThe name of the geographical country.
Device idThe identifier of the device.
Device nameThe name of the device.
Error codeAn error describes an issue that arises unexpectedly. This measure indicates the code of the error.
OS idThe identifier of the operating system.
OS nameThe name of the operating system.
Push task IDUnique push task identifier generated on Ocamba platform.
Push task nameThe push task name.
Push typeThe name of the push type.
Event dateThe day of the event.
Status codeHTTP response status codes.
Tag idUnique tag identifier generated on Ocamba platform. You can filter Tag ID from the drop-down menu, with the in/not in option, to determine whether or not the specific tag id will be included in your search.
Tag nameTag name created on Ocamba platform.
User ageThe range user age.
Zone idThe identifier of the zone
Zone nameThe name of the zone.

Hood Provider Error Measures List

RequestsThe total number of requests.
Retry countThe total number of retry count.
Total duration

The total number of total duration.

Hood Push Click Dimensions List

App typeHood application name created on Ocamba platform.
ASNThe Autonomous System Number.
Browser idThe identifier of the browser.
Browser nameThe name of the browser.
Browser versionThe version of the browser.
City idThe GeoName identifier of the city.
City nameThe name of the city.
Click dateThe date of click occurrence.
Country codeThe code of the geographical country.
Country nameThe name of the geographical country.
Delivery dateThe task execution date.
Lang codeThe code of the user language.
Lang nameThe name of the user language.
OS idThe identifier of the operating system.
OS nameThe name of the operating system.
OS versionThe version of the operating system.
Page domainThe domain of the page URL. Example: test.com
Region nameThe name of the region.
Region idThe GeoName ID of the region.
Tag idUnique tag identifier generated on Ocamba platform. You can filter Tag ID from the drop-down menu, with the in/not in option, to determine whether or not the specific tag id will be included in your search.
Tag nameTag name created on Ocamba platform.
Task idUnique task identifier generated on Ocamba platform.
Task nameThe task name.
TimezoneTimezone of the user.
User ageThe range user age.
User idThe identifier of the user.
UTM sourceUrchin Tracking Module source, used to identify a search engine, social media, newsletter name or another source.

Saving and Managing Reports

To save changes made to a specific report click Save.


Hood Report Save Option Location

To save a new report, click Save as.

Enter Report Name (required), and Report Description (optional).

Pick how many rows you want to display per page using the Table Rows per Page option (e.g., 10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500, or 1000 rows).

Click Confirm to save your preferences.


Hood Report Save Changes Button Location

All saved reports can be found in the Saved reports tab in the left sidebar, under Reports > Saved Reports < User defined.


Hood Report Save Report Options Window

Click on the Import report button to import an existing report and edit it. You can save the changes to the edited report or save it as a new report.


Hood Reports Saved Reports Location

Saved Reports

Within the Saved Reports tab you can find your reports segmented into two tabs,System (predefined in Hood) and User Defined (custom reports).

System reports

These reports cannot be customize and are system predefined.

System Reports display:

Click: Offers tabular overview using metrics such as Click Date, Country Name, Browser Name, User ID, Task ID, and more.

Basic: Provides graphical and tabular overview with metrics such as Push Wokenup, Push Click, Push CTR, and more. You can order them by event date or time.


Hood Reports Import Report Option Location

User Defined Reports

User Defined Reports displayed reports that you created through the Designer feature.

Use the Search option to easily search specific reports within User Defined Reports.

You can delete User Defined Reports by clicking on the Bin icon next on it.

Click on the Add button to create new report.


Hood Report Basic Saved Report Example

To edit a User defined report, click on its name. Then, click on the Settings icon in the top right corner. You will get the following options:


Hood Reports Search & Remove Options Location

Refresh Data: Click to refresh report data.

Edit Reports: Click to edit a report.

Delete Reports: Click to delete a user defined report.

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