Notification events

Handle callbacks for push notification actions.

We send custom intents when push notifications are received, opened, or dismissed.

If you have a specific use case for these scenarios, you will need to make a listener for these intents by creating a custom BroadcastReceiver.

  1. Create broadcast receiver (example name: “BroadcastReceiverTest”) which extends OcambaNotificationReceiver and override methods.
    public void ocambaNewToken(String token, Context context) {
    //new token received
    public void ocambaNotificationUser(RemoteMessage remoteMessage, Context context) {
    //users notification received
    if (remoteMessage.getNotification() != null) {
    Log.i(TAG, "Title: " + remoteMessage.getNotification().getTitle()); Log.i(TAG, "Text: " + remoteMessage.getNotification().getBody());
    public void ocambaNotificationReceived(OcambaNotificationObject message, Context context) {
    //ocamba notification received
    Log.i(TAG, "Ocamba Received Notification: " + message.getObject()); 
    public void ocambaNotificationClick(OcambaNotificationObject message, Context context) {
    //ocamba notification clicked
    Log.i(TAG, "Ocamba Received Notification: " + message.getObject());
    public void ocambaNotificationDismissed(Context context) {
    //ocamba notification dismissed
    public void ocambaNotificationActionButtons(String action, Context context{
    //ocamba notification action buttons
    public void ocambaNotificationCustomAction(String action, Context context){
    //ocamba notification custom data
    public void ocambaNotificationMultiMessageReceived(ArrayList<OcambaNotificationObject> multiMessageList, Context context) {
    //multimessage received

  1. Add Broadcast Receiver to application tags in AndroidManifest.xml:

    <receiver android:name=".BroadcastReceiverTest" android:enabled="true" android:exported="false">
    <action android:name= "PACKAGE_NAME.OCAMBA_NOTIFICATION_CLICK" />
    <action android:name= "PACKAGE_NAME.OCAMBA_NOTIFICATION_TOKEN" />
    <action android:name= "PACKAGE_NAME.OCAMBA_NOTIFICATION_USER" />

    NOTE: rename BroadcastReceiverTest with your receiver name and add package name before it (do not use ${applicationId}).

    NOTE: From android 12 there is notification trampoline restriction - this means that we need to open default activity before we open browser. On previous version we do it from broadcast receiver.

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